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What are the Chances?

Understanding probability and chance is a fundamental aspect of mathematics, and introducing these concepts early can be both educational and enjoyable for students. Our free “What are the Chances” resource is designed for foundation, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4 students. This open-ended activity encourages students to explore probability through interactive and engaging tasks.

What is the “What are the Chances” Resource?

The “What are the Chances” resource includes eight circles, each divided into various parts with different colours. Teachers can download and print these circles by clicking the button at the bottom of the page. A spinner can be placed in the center of each circle, or if a spinner is not available, a makeshift spinner can be created using a pencil and a paperclip.


How to Use the “What are the Chances” Resource

  1. Preparation:

    • Download and print the circles for each student or group of students.

    • Provide each student or group with a spinner or a makeshift spinner (pencil and paperclip).

  2. Activity Steps:

    • Step 1: Spin and Predict: Students place the spinner in the center of one of the circles and spin it. Before spinning, they predict which colour the spinner will land on.

    • Step 2: Record Results: Students note the colour they landed on and discuss their results with their peers.

    • Step 3: Use Probability Terms: Encourage students to use probability terms such as “impossible,” “unlikely,” “likely,” and “definitely” to describe the chances of landing on a particular colour.

    • Step 4: Compare Circles: Have students compare the probability of landing on different colours across the various circles. Discuss how the size and number of sections affect the probability.


Educational Benefits

  • Understanding Probability: This resource helps students grasp the basics of probability and chance in a fun and interactive way.

  • Vocabulary Development: Students learn and use probability-related vocabulary, enhancing their mathematical language skills.

  • Critical Thinking: Predicting outcomes and discussing results fosters critical thinking and reasoning skills.

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Recording spin results allows students to collect and analyze data, reinforcing these important skills.


Classroom Integration Tips

  • Math Centers: Integrate the “What are the Chances” activity into your math centers. It’s perfect for small groups, allowing for hands-on learning and collaboration.

  • Probability Lessons: Use this resource during your probability lessons to provide a practical and engaging way for students to understand chance.

  • Morning Warm-Up: Start the day with a quick spin and discussion session to get students thinking about probability.

  • Cross-Curricular Connections: Connect this activity with literacy by having students write about their predictions and results, incorporating their new vocabulary.


Extension Activities

  • Create Your Own Circles: Have students create their own probability circles with different divisions and colors, then exchange with peers to predict and test outcomes.

  • Graphing Results: After several spins, students can create a bar graph or pie chart to represent their results, combining probability with data representation.

  • Real-World Connections: Discuss real-world scenarios where probability is important, such as weather forecasting or playing games, to make the learning relevant.


The “What are the Chances” resource is a fantastic way to introduce young learners to the concepts of probability and chance. By making learning interactive and hands-on, this activity helps students develop a deeper understanding of these fundamental mathematical ideas. Download the resource today and watch your students enjoy exploring the world of probability!

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