Coloured multiplication anchor chart for 0 to 12 times tables.
Use the array to write an addition sentence and multiplication problem.
Colour in the arrays to match the given multiplication question.
Use a pencil and paperclip to make a spinner and spin a number to answer multiplication questions.
Cut out and paste windows on the skyscrapers to make arrays.
Practise 2, 5 and 10 multiplication by playing the board game Bump.
Look at the group of pets and explain their groups using repeated addition.
Use counters, blocks and play dough to make equal groups.
Twist string to solve the multiplication questions.
Printable display of multiplication factors for around the classroom.
A print and play game. Multiply the number on the spinner to make boxes.
A versatile and engaging printable which helps students learn multiplication facts.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 2 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 3 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 4 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 5 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 6 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 7 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 8 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 9 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 10 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 11 times tables.
Times table fluency booklet to practise the 12 times tables.
Demonstrate the use of a number line by adding blocks instead of jumps.
An interactive number line with ten frames.
A great open ended resource to display arrays.
An open ended resource that can be used to display ten frames.
Model skip counting to find multiplication number facts.
Display any times table from 2 to 10. Click on the numbers to display or hide.
A 2 player game where players answer times table questions to score points.
Answer the multiplication questions to get more carrots to shoot.
Answer the multiplication questions by clicking on the right mummy.
Race against the clock to answer as many multiplication fact questions in 1 minute.
Hit the coconuts off the wall by finding multiplies of a given number.
Catch the fish by answering the multiplication questions.
Answer the multiplication questions to then chop the vegetables.
Race against the clock to answer as many questions in 2 minutes.
Practise counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s or 12s.
Count forwards or backwards by 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s or 12s
Look at arrays and decide how it is represented as repeated addition.
Practise addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
A fast paced game to practise multiplication facts.
Help unload the trucks by skip counting the packages.